
Crop Supplements

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Brand Name:
Composition %:
Zinc 10%
  • Contains Zinc and other micronutrients in mineral/chelated condition
  • Contains organic acid that makes it more effective
  • Increases the crop growth and photosynthesis
  • Efficiently translocate food from leaves to flowers, fruits and roots
  • Increases resistance against diseases
  • Gives more and healthy spikes, grains, flowers and bolls, hence increased yield



Time & Method of Application

Rice 6 litters Flood  it drop by drop with irrigation water after 10 to 15 days transplantation/Sowing
Wheat Mix it drop by drop at the course of water  with first or second irrigation after sowing
Other Vegetables
Orchards 100ml/plant Mix it in water within basal area
Brand Name:
Zeneca Extra (Granular)
Composition %:
Zn, Fe, Mn, B
  • Due to continuous cultivation the soil becomes nutrition-limited which is not healthy for plants. Salinity and high pH also reduce the micro-nutrients form soil. In these scenario Zeneca Extra helps the plant with it most appropriate composition of micro-nutrients.
  • It contains significant nutrients in most appropriate proportion that is best for fruits and vegetables.
  • With buffering agent, stabilizer and other additives, it increases the absorption capacity and gives better spray results.
  • It keeps fruits and vegetables greener and fresher for long time.
  • Stimulates the process of photosynthesis.
  • Helps the plant generate more roots.
  • It generates resistance against water shortage.
  • Increase the number of flowers on plant.
  • It generates resistance against falling flowers and fruits.
  • It generates resistance against diseases.



Time & Method of Application

Rice 4 Broadcast during irrigation 10 to 20 days after shifting the nursery
Wheat, Cotton, Maize, Potato, Vegetables etc 4 Broadcast with first or second irrigation after sowing
Sugarcane, Alfalfa 4 Broadcast with first or second irrigation after sowing
4 Broadcast with second irrigation after 6 months of sowing
Orchards 250 gm per plant. 2 times a year
Brand Name:
Composition %:
NPK 8-8-6
  • Vital makes plant leaves more greener and roots more deeper
  • Vital produces early and more flowers and bolls in cotton
  • Vital decreases shedding of flowers and bolls
  • Vital produces flowers and bolls bigger in size and more in weight
  • Vital controls the unnecessary growth in cotton and shapes plants like umbrella
  • Vital increases resistance against some diseases
  • Vital increases yield with better quality of all major crops, vegetables and gardens



Time & Method of Application

Cotton 500ml in 60 Litter water 1st spray on 4 to 8leaf stage of plant
1000ml in 100 Litter water 2nd spray on flowering stage
1000ml in 100 Litter water 3rd spray on boll formation
Wheat 500ml in 100 Litter water 1st spray after 1st irrigation and 2nd spray after 10 days interval
Rice 500ml in 100 Litter water 1st spray after nursery transplantation and 2nd spray after 10 days of 1st spray
Potato 500ml in 100 Litter water 1st spray on tubers formation and 2nd spray after 10 days interval
Brand Name:
Composition %:
Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu
  • Fruits and vegetables need more nutrition during flowering and growing stage but plant at this stage can’t get it form the soil as much as it needs so Helper provides the adequate nutrition to the plant at this stage and substantially increases the productivity.
  • It contains significant nutrients in most appropriate proportion that is best for fruits and vegetables.
  • With buffering agent, stabilizer and other additives, it increases the absorption capacity and gives better spray results.
  • It keeps fruits and vegetables greener and fresher for long time.
  • Stimulates the process of photosynthesis.
  • Helps the plant generate more roots.
  • It generates resistance against water shortage.
  • Increase the number of flowers on plant.
  • It generates resistance against falling flowers and fruits.
  • It generates resistance against diseases.
  • It certainly increases yield form 20% to 30%



Time & Method of Application

Vegetables First spray 01 litter Mix it with 100 litter water and spray 3 to 4 weeks after germination of the crop
Second spray 01 litter Do second spray after 2 weeks of first spray with same method of application
Orchards First spray ml Mix it with 100 litter water and spray before flowering stage
Second Spray ml Mix it with 100 litter water and spray after flowering stage
Brand Name:
Composition %:
Zn, Fe, Mn, B
  • Lajwab is an incredible fertilizer not only to produce bio-factors and to stimulate growth hormones but also for speeding up the crop growth.
  • It is foliar fertilizers that fulfills the requirement of nutrition through Zinc, Iron, Manganese and Boron during important stage of tubers formation.
  • It helps the branches produce more and greener leaves
  • It stimulates the process of photosynthesis and transfer more nutrition into tubers.
  • It generates resistance against water shortage during winters.
  • It generates resistance against the attack of fungus, virus or insects.
  • It helps the tubers gain more weight and size along with better quality.
  • It enhances the yield from 30% to 40% which is fairly 50% more than the cost.



Time & Method of Application

Potato 01 Kg per 100 litter water Spray after 01 to 1.5 months after sowing
01 Kg per 100 litter water apply second spray after 02 weeks of first spray
Brand Name:
Sayban Posh
Composition %:
  • For continuous cultivation and regular rotation of crops around the year, soil becomes Potash deficient so Sayban Posh provides such soils with required level of Potash for better plant growth
  • It contains other significant ingredients that improves not only its own performance but also the utility of other fertilizers applied.
  • It accumulates more Potash which is available to the crop for better yield.
  • It contains moderate pH that is effective for soil productivity and availability of more nutrition.



Time & Method of Application

All Crops 4 litter Apply it drop by drop at the course of water
Brand Name:
Composition %:
NPK 8-16-16
  • Helps growing more and deeper roots, increases capability of absorbing water and fertilizer that helps plant generates more branches and gain height.
  • Increases plant growth.
  • Helps leaves gain more width and strength that stimulates photosynthesis.
  • Flowers, fruits and spikes gain more size and grains.
  • Provides NPK to the plant when provision of fertilizer reduces from the roots.
  • Better spray with more fertilizer-use-efficiency and complete water-solvability.
  • Increases yield with its balanced nutrition ratio.



Time & Method of Application

Wheat & Rice 500gm in 100 litter water First spray at tillers generation   and 2nd spray at spiking and booting stage
Cotton 1kg in 100 litter water 1st spray in July before flowering stage and 2nd spray upon delay in crop-growth in September
Sugarcane 1kg in 100 litter water First spray at flowering stage  and 2nd spray after one month
Other crops 500gm in 100 litter water 1st spray when crop started gaining height and 2nd spray at grain formation stage
Vegetables 500gm in 100 litter water First spray at flowering stage  and 2nd spray at fruiting stage
Orchardrs 500gm in 200 litter water First spray at flowering stage  and 2nd spray at fruiting stage
Fodder crops 1kg in 100 litter water 1st spray after month of sowing and then  do after every harvest
Brand Name:
Biophos Forte
Composition %:
  • It contains bacteria that produce organic acid which chelates the calcium of insoluble  phosphorus compound (tricalcium phosphate) and makes the phosphorus available to plants
  • Its bacteria produces growth-hormones e.g. gibberellic acid that is very effective for better plant-growth
  • Continuously provides phosphorus to the plants that helps increasing yield
  • Reduces P-Fixation in high pH-soils



Time & Method of Application

All Crops, vegetables and orchards 500 gm With Fertilizers: At the time of sowing, heap and moist phosphorus fertilizer e.g. single super phosphate, Nitrophos, DAP, mix it with one packet of Biophos Forte, broadcast and plough.
With Water: Make solution by mixing it into 100 – 200 litter water and then mix this solution drop by drop with irrigation water so that it could reach the entire field.
It can also be used at the time of sowing mixing it with seed of major crops.
Brand Name:
Bio Talk
Composition %:
Amino Acid & Growth Hormones
  • Generates resistance against diseases
  • Helps achieve more quality yields
  • Stimulates growth process of the plant



Time & Method of Application

All Crops 200 gm in 100 Ltr water According to the nature of the crop first spray at tillering stage and second spray at fruiting stage
In case of disease, spray three times after every week
Spray at plant including stem and leaves
Brand Name:
Composition %:
Peclobutrazol 25% plus other ingredients
  • Highly recommended for fruits specially Mango
  • Helps plant generate healthy flowers and fruits
  • With Triazole Fungicide, also protects the plant from fungal attack
  • Helps plant generate more healthy roots
  • Helps serials producing crops form falling down
  • Prevents plant from cold, water-shortage and loss of nutrients
  • Helps achieve more yield




Method of Application

Fruit plants e.g. Mango, Apple, Orange, Peach, Plum etc For Mango, 40 ml per plant and for rest of the fruits 25 ml per plant 30 to 90 days after fruit resistance Dig up a 6 to 12 inches deep channel around the plant within 1.5 feet radius, mix the Mangozole with 2 ltr water and dump it in the hole, fill the hole with soil again and irrigate the orchard
Rice 125 ml per acre Before spikes formation Mix it with 5 to 10 ltr water and broadcast in static water
Tomato 100 ml per acre Before flowers blossoming Mix it with 5 to 10 ltr water , irrigate the field and then broadcast in the ridges
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